Monday, June 25, 2012

0 Macaron Class - Chef Marthe

 I drew this portrait business card for Chef Marthe as a 'Thank you' for letting me attend her Meeting The French Class.

 Then she turned around and invited me to her macaron class the next day!

 My class mates were 4 British bridesmaids + the bride. This was their surprise gift - a trip to Paris and the macaron cooking class.

 I hope the bride(here) is happily making lots of macarons for her honey now.

 Chef Marthe demonstrates the perfect beaten eggwhite texture.

 We used the 'Italian method' for making the meringue shells, which entails heating the sugar and using the dreaded candy thermometer.

 Of course I fell madly in love with chef Marthe's adorable rooster kitchen timer but n'existe pas on Amazon thus far...

 Chef Marthe prefers Picard frozen raspberries to fresh for filling the macarons, because the berries are whole and not mushy. Who knew?

 I'm skipping around in the gazillion macaron making steps. Here the beaten eggwhites are being introduced into the colored almond flour.

 Chef Marthe has a gazillion tricks up her sleeve.

 Has the bride taken this class before? She's making perfect little round shells.

 Into the oven they go.

And out they come looking as perfect as can be with dainty little 'feet'.

 Another Marthe trick - removing the shells from the baking paper without breakage.


 The tasting begins and goes on and on.

 The lucky bridal group is heading off to a night at la Moulin Rouge.

Au revoir et merci
contact Chef Marthe for a fabulous cooking class!


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