Thursday, February 23, 2012

0 Stuff Parisians Like

 Bad enough the proliferation of endless Paris cupcakes...
 Do English words displayed prominently stop you in your tracks?
 Expert Parisian Oliver Magny explains in Stuff Parisians Like.
 Have you seen these signs in the Metro? Evidently it's tres cool to sprinkle English words in your conversation if you're Parisian especially in biz.
Example from Olivier Magny:
'il est en speed car il a squeeze un gros meeting entre lunch avec son boss et un conf call avec son CEO'/he is late because he scheduled a big meeting between a lunch with his boss and a conference call with the CEO.
 Here parfume Annick Goutal throws in a few english words 'Roses so Chic'. Is it for our benefit or the Frenchies? The latter is my guess...
 The cupcake word at patisserie Berko...
 This cheesecake creation looks more Parisian than New Yorkaise non?
 Stars and stripes are OK for the French though les Americains may be vraiment des gros beaufs', ahem. Olivier says 'for Parisians, every person he does not know is a beauf'.
Il y a beaucoup de snob in Paris IMHO.
 Message T-shirts? Usually in English.
 A witty compartmental purse...
 tres cool!
 Here's a chance to practice your Parisian expressions.
 My Little Paris provides a video to 'Ce que disent les Parisiens'. Do come back and tell me what they're saying. I haven't a clue.
Here's some New York Francaise revenge!


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