Wednesday, February 29, 2012

0 Paris Baguette

 When you come to New York to see the Met's Stein's Collect show you must go to Paris Baguette on 6W.32nd st. open everyday 8am-10pm in Koreatown.
 I only discovered Paris Baguette on Saturday! I wonder if Sweet Freak has been..?
 Tons of Fr handwriting on the walls, which Connie said is the key to authentic French bakeries.
 I got a 'Twist Pie' and it was OMG delish.
 I did not get a Berry & Choux tarte...
 Or la Cheesecake...
 Or a chocolate butter(?) cake - all too big. 
 A dozen macarons was just too many for a gouter/snack.
 I did get one canele ($1.50).
 Tres caramelized outside...
 And properly pudding-like inside (though a bit larger than her French sisters).
 Charmante hot chocolate cups..
 Malheuresement the PB Bear is no longer available. I asked, traitor that I am...
 But you can buy a PB delivery truck...
I went back to PB on Monday to make sure everything was as delish as my 1st visit. It was. While you're munching on your caneles you can watch France2 News 3X a day. Oui, at 8h, 13h and 20h online here. Excellent for practicing your French. Then run up and down the stairs 10X for the caneles,ahem.


Muschki 1 7 bis
My Maruschka Who Will Be 17 Years Old This April...

Walnuts 1 4 bis

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

0 The Steins Collect - Met

 Wouldn't it be nice to receive a French handwritten postcard...
 With an original Henri Matisse drawing on the back?
 The Steins Collect opened at the Met last week. It's a don't-miss exhibit.
 If you're crazy for art/Paris/expat lit/old photos you'll love it.
 A woman looking very Gertrude Stein-esque.
The Stein siblings—Gertrude, Leo, Michael (and his wife Sarah)—were important patrons of modern art in Paris during the first years of the 20th century. This American family collected hundreds of artworks by a group of relatively unknown artists with whom they became close friends.The Steins opened their apartments on Saturday evenings  to anyone (just like in Woody Allen's Midnight In Paris) who arrived with a reference in hand. At these salons, scores of international artists, collectors, and dealers passed through their doors in order to see and discuss the latest artistic developments, long before they were on view in museums. This threesome easily fit the classic sib setup in my opinion. Eldest Michael Stein handled the finances and kept them all afloat in their collecting endeavors. Middle son, Leo dropped out of school and wondered Europe - he was first to start buying art. And youngest sib, Gertrude Stein was certainly wild and independent.
 This is a big show. The Stein's varied collections are astonishing. Many paintings will be familiar like Picasso's 'blue period'  figure.
 Or Cezanne's portrait of his son.
 Many you'll see for the 1st time like this Cezanne still life.
 A Matisse sketch of his daughter Marguerite reading.
 One of Leo Stein's first purchases (since there's a dog in it, ahem, I had to show it) - by Raoul du Gardier acquired 1903.
Matisse's painting, 'Tea', 1919. The samovar on the table once belonged to Sarah. She traded it to the artist for a drawing. There are amusing stories behind every painting on display. The Steins only bought from artists they knew personally.
It was not uncommon for Leo to have lunch with Matisse and dinner with Picasso in a single day. Both artists sent the Steins sketches and reports of their works in progress.
 I was enthralled with wall-sized photos of family gatherings...
 Gertrude and Alice at 26, rue de Fleurus.
 Walls covered floor-to-ceiling in treasures. 
The accompanying audio tape is full of historic family anecdotes and Gertrude reading her criptic poems.
 The Met gift shop had me drooling over this Bistro de Paris dinnerware set plus other Paris nonsense - Eiffel Tower dish towels, wine waiter aprons, Gertrude's scarves, mon dieu!
 They have loads of timely reading. I was pleased to see David Downie's Paris, Paris - my current addiction on the Kindle - making it so easy to access Paris while still in NYC.
The Steins Collect is on view till June 3rd 2012 at the Met, so do try to visit. This post is just the tip of a fabulous iceberg.

Monday, February 27, 2012

0 French Handwriting

 When you see this guess where you are?
 In France of course. What if blackboards/ardoise were outlawed, would we stop going to France? Maybe...
 French handwriting on a bebe's bib/bavoir is perfect.
'Interdit de me gronder'/ it's forbidden to scold me.
Not just for bebesChanel combines handwriting and Deco typographie
 It's de rigueur for a French designer to use his signature as his brand logo.
 Christian Lacroix aussi...
 Hermes is not too high and mighty to use handwriting on their restoration signs.
 A handwritten script neon brasserie sign.
 There are many writing supply stores in Paris:
Melodie Graphic 10, rue Pont Louis-Philippe 75004
L'Ecritiore 61, rue Saint-Martin 75004
Calligrane 6, rue Pont Louis-Philippe 75004
Papier+ 9, rue PontLouis-Philippe
Handwriting on a French ribbon - parfait!
 Faux/fake French handwriting on a chocolate chicken porte-etiquette/label is still yummy looking.
 Real handwriting looks just fine on a big tarte fine au peche. Is there any noticible handwriting in New York? Not that I'm aware. In Paris it's a different histoire/story.We would miss it muchly.
Milster lives in Paris and her blog has handwritten titles that I covet madly. I don't think we can have handwriting type in the states malheureusement/unhappily. Tell me different!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

0 My Paris...

I found this old PB picture on Google this morning. It says Paris to me.

Friday, February 24, 2012

0 What's On in Paris?

 Becky said..I have a trip to Paris planned in early May & was wondering..where do you find a schedule of events going on while you are there??
Lots of people buy Pariscope on Wednesdays to find out. Not me. I find it too confusing.
 I prefer to check the posters in the Metro...
 On the sides of buses...
 And those scrolling announcements in the street...
 I check to see what's on at my favorite museums online...
If you don't want to stand online it's a good idea to buy your ticket ahead...
 At FNAC's instore ticket counter. You can see what's on at their website. And you can buy/printout your billet/tickets too, but it was a little trop advancee pour moi...
 It's fun to get on line at the hottest exposition in Paris to see what people are wearing. Then jump the queue with your ticket in hand and pop right in. Go the first day a show opens and you'll miss big lines and crowds. It worked at the Sempe show. Are they waiting to read the reviews?
 Google 'Paris March 2012' - many event sites will come up like KLM.
 It has links to special event websites to like PAD.
 I hope to catch the Jean-Paul Goude retrospective at Les Arts Decoratifs 107, rue de Rivoli 75001 Tuesdays - Sundays from 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. It is open until 9 p.m. on Thursdays. Closed on Mondays.
20 March and on a Tuesday(!?) Usually it's on a Sunday.Will the school kids play hookie? Will you be in town?
*Don't forget MEETING THE FRENCH at work for fun visits.
I really like this book for boning up pre-trip, but today was the 1st time I ever played the audio CD.
mon dieu...c'est pas facile
Any other Paris suggestions are most welcome PBers.

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