Tuesday, September 20, 2011

0 Carette

I HEART Carette Trocadero big time. I was browsing Sweet Paris this morning. When I saw her post on Carette I melted - remembrances of Paris tea salons past.
Lots of French people like to go to Carette.
Lots of French pols or corporate types like to go to Carette.
BEAR likes to go to Carette and what BEAR likes, Bear gets.
We ordered a salade vegitarienne.
Next time we'll skip the demi-bouteille d'eau and buy some macarons - a la prochaine.
BEAR nudges me,
"Can we puleeze visit the pastry counter?"
Perfect irresistable macarons.
Lovely paintable petit fours say take us chez toi.
You can sit in the main tea salon or the enclosed cafe area at Carette.
Or you can sit outside.
Stacks of menu books at Carette - you will never lack reading material at this salon de the.
The 6/9 Metro entrance is right there at Carette, 4 Place du Trocadero 75016
Don't forget your box of irresistable macarons...


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