Friday, May 20, 2011


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As you might have guessed when viewing the above picture, next week I'll be on a short and well-deserved holiday (my last vacation was 6 months ago). But, don't panic, it'll only last a few days, so you should not miss me that much (LOL).

Lately, I have felt quite tired and as if like the life has been sucked out of me, an itsy bitsy depressed and fed up of being stressed by the frenesy of the world we live in. The events of the last months (and years - deaths, having to deal with my toxic family, being unemployed, clueless as to how to reintegrate the working world when I have no diplomas and having the impression of being a real loser) have suddenly caught up with me and hit me straight in the face. Even blogging added more pressure. Therefore, I really need to slow down and take a break, otherwise I'd end up with a total burnout.

Although, I don't have the leisure to go away or travel, I will nonetheless relax and try to explore our beautiful countryside in order to take pictures which I will share with you. Hopefully that will bring my mojo back!

Anyway, my next article will be posted on the 1st of June and I'll be online all the time (I know, I am a bit addicted...).
So, see you soon again, dear friends!

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