Wednesday, February 2, 2011


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Lately it seems that my nearly 6 years of assiduous and arduous blogging are finally beginning to pay off. After all this time, it is good to see that my work is giving fruits and that people believe in my potential...

It all started around the end of 2010 when I was asked to do an interview for "Busy Moms", then two others for "Larousse Cuisine" (Interview 1 & 2), to contribute an article, recipe and some pictures to the Xmas edition of the online magazine "G2 Kitchen" (p54-57 & p110) and to write a post (articles, recipe & pictures again) for Lovefeast's "Holiday Cookie Exchange". It made me so happy to be suddenly under spotlight and to participate in such wonderful assignments. What an honor for me.

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2011 started particularly well for me and brought it's fair share of surprises. Jonell Galloway, the editor of "The Rambling Epicure" was very impressed by the work I did for "G2Kitchen" and proposed me to become one of her regular contributors (among them you'll find fellow foodie bloggers and friends Jamie at "Life's A Feast", Jenn at "Jenn Cuisine" and Meeta at "What's For Lunch Honey?" and many other brilliant as well as recognized individuals). Wow, very flattering when you consider that I am writing alongside other talented food writers (there are also artists) who are taking part in this unique adventure!

Although I can never stop doubting myself/my capacities, minimizing my skills and constantly put myself down there was no way I was going to let that opportunity pass as it might be my only chance to accomplish my goal, to prove to myself that my writings, recipes and photos are worthy of attention and that I am not mediocre after all...

Rambling Epicure
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"The Rambling Epicure" is a daily international food chronicle which promotes a mindful, responsible approach to real food shopping, cooking, and eating, as well as food politics, safety, history, art, literature and philosophy. Through this project, it sponsors freelance writing, editing and publishing by offering a vast array of articles on different subjects as well as activities (custom-tailored culinary tours, cooking classes, tasting events, recipe development and testing, book reviews, sales of recommended books and products, seminars and workshops). Very exciting and promising indeed.

Please visit this marvelous new site, don't forget
to read my very 1st article as a freelancer ("Cooking As A Therapy", accompanied by my English grandmother's "Lemon Curd" recipe) and to check out my monthly musings as well. Thanks!

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