Friday, January 8, 2010


I can quite understand if you might be put off by the thought of eating foie gras (again) after having feasted over the holidays as if there would be no tomorrow, yet I really want to share with you this wonderful recipe I found on François-Xavier's blog and which I made for New Year's eve...

Foie gras is something I have discovered (taste-wise) only very lately.
At first, I liked the taste of it, but the texture made me feel a little uneasy, because I found it had an unpleasant feel in the mouth. As it is an aquired taste, I got to really understand fully that unique speciality and fell madly in love with it. Now, I love this gourmet treat and cannot imagine not having any foie gras for Christmas, New year or Easter.

I particularly love my foie gras to be pan fried a few seconds only on each side and served with balsamic vinegar, but I also enjoy making terrines with that luxurious offal and serving it with homemade toasted bread and a sweet and sour jam (Vin Santo jam) or sauce (spicy cranberry sauce). It is just simply heavenly!

Well, last year, I stumbled upon a recipe for "Foie Gras Terrine"
on the gorgeous as well as instructive blog named "FX Cuisine". Ever since I discovered it there, I have refused to use any other terrine recipe as this one really rocks and is easy to make.

The roasted nuts blend perfectly well with the sweetness of the liver and the whisky adds a little structure to the whole, thus giving it more character. Lovely!

~ Foie Gras Terrine ~
Recipe by François-Xavier (FX) at "FX Cuisine" (Switzerland) and adapted by Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums 2010.

Makes one terrine.

1 Whole duck or goose fresh foie gras (uncooked)
30g Dried apricots
13g Almonds, roasted
13g Hazelnuts, roasted
13g Pistachios

Himalaya pink salt, to taste
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
A small glass of whiskey

1. Wait until the liver is at 18° C (65°F) temperature (measured with a probe inside the liver), warm your knife blade and seperate the two lobes, then cut each lobe in two. Remove the veins.

2. Soak in cold water for 2 hours.
3. Meanwhile chop the dried fruits and nuts and soak them in the whiskey.
4. After two hours, drain the water and cover the bottom a
nd sides of a terrine dish with 2/3 of the foie gras. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
5. Fill the center with the dried fruits and nuts, and cover with the remaining foie gras. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
6. Place the terrine on a plate in a larger ovenproof dish filled with water and bake for 30-40 minutes at very low temperature, between 60°C to 100°C (140° to 210°F).
7. Remove the rendered fat from the terrine and
set it aside. Let the terrine cool.
8. Cover the liver with foil and a very flat weight and place in the fri
dge for 2 hours.
9. When the terrine has set, remove the weight and foil and melt the rendered fat on top to protect the terrine from turning rancid.

Leave in the fridge for about 24 hours before serving.

Serving suggestion:
Serve with sea salt, toasted brioche bread, sourdough bread or pai
n d'épice (see bread recipes).

There is a great video tutorial to bee seen on FX Cuisine (Switzerland).


~ Terrine De Foie Gras ~
Recette par François-Xavier (FX) de "FX Cuisine" (Suisse) et adaptée par Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums 2010.

1 Lobe de foie gras de canard ou d'oie (frais)
30g d'Abricots séchés
13g d'Amandes, torréfiées
13g de Noisette, torréfiées
13g de Pistaches

Sel rose de l'Himalaya, à volonté
Poivre noir fraîchement moulu, à volonté
Un petit verre de whisky

1. Sortir le foie gras du frigo et attendre qu'il atteigne les 18° C afin de commencer à le déveiner en utilisant un couteau dont la lame a été trompée dans l'eau chaude (méthode).
2. Reconstituer le lobe et le déposer dans de l'eau froide et le laisser tremper pendant 2 heures.
3. Pendant ce temps, hacher les abricots et noix, puis les mettre à tremper dans le whisky.
4. Après deux heures, retirer le foie de l'eau et placer les 2/3 du lobe dans le plat. Poivrer et saler à volonté.

5. Répartir avec les fruits secs sur le foie gras et couvrir avec le reste du foie gras. Poivrer et saler à volonté.
6. Mettre la terrine dans un bain-marie et cuire pendant 30-40 minutes à basse température (60°C to 100°C).
7. Retirer la graisse de la terrine du four et la mettre de côté. Laisser refroidir la terrine.
8. Couvrir la terrine avec du film plastique, puis déposer un poids plat sur la terrine et mettre au frigo pour 2 heures.

9. Quand la terrine se sera solidifiée, enlever le poids, faire fondre la graisse et recouvrir la terrine avec cette graisse afin de la protéger pour qu'elle ne devienne pas rance.

Laissez reposer cette terrine pendant au moins 24 heures au frigo
avant de la servir.

Idées de présentation:
Servir avec du sel de mer, de la
brioche toastée, du pain au levain ou du pain d'épices (voir mes recettes de pain).

Pour plus de précisions, visionner la vidéo de FX Cuisine (Suisse).


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