Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Being a person who likes all kinds of spices and special flavors, I am very attracted to Middle Eastern food. I can really relate to the tastes found in this refined cuisine...

A few weeks ago, I went to a cool place called Yo'Mo Lounge which is situated on Geneva's left bank and has a a splendid view of the lake and English Garden (Jardin Anglais).

This unusual place positively suprised me and made a very good impression on me. I really enjoyed their fine East-meets-West (Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, European) cuisine which is presented in a stylish, aesthetic and stunning way, efficient service, friendly staff and their bright magical Alice-in-Wonderland-like setting as well as warm comfortable atmosphere. Very charming!

There, I ate the most exquisite falafel and kanafeh, and my friend Corinne had a wonderful fattoush salad and "Mouhalabieh" which was accompanied by Arabic coffee. This place totally inspired me and made me want to experiment a little with that kind of food. So, for a start, I decided to try making that luscious Lebanese milk flan called "Mouhalabieh".

This authentic Lebanese dessert is really delicious and quite easy to make. There's not much fussing around and the end result is fantastic. As it mostly made with milk, this delightful speciality has the advantage of being quite light, thus it is the perfect kind of dessert you'd want to eat if you've had a hearty meal. Not forgetting that it is also very refreshing, so it is a good summer option when served together with a fruit salad (strawberries, apples, oranges, etc...).

"Mouhalabieh" is a heavenly sweet treat that has an exotic as well as a delicate flavor and isn't overly sugary. It's flan-like and melt-in-the-mouth texture is extremely pleasant. It is definitely a pretty and sublime speciality that brings that wow factor to the table, but doesn't demand much energy and time to make. Perfect!

~ Mouhalabieh or Lebanese Milk Flans ~
Recipe by Bigmousse at "Le Palais Des Délices" (France) and adapted by Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums.

Makes about 8 flans.

Ingredients for the "Flans":
4 Cups Milk (3.5 % fat)
1/2 Cup Cornstarch
3/4 Cups Castor sugar
1 Tbs Orange blossom water
1 Handful pistacchios, roasted and chopped
Ingredients for the "Syrup":
4 Tbs water
2 Hibiscus flowers (optional)
2 Tbs Rosewater
8 tbs Castor sugar

Method for the "Flans":
1. In a medium pan, mix together the milk, sugar and cornstarch. Whisk well until the cornstarch has been disolved.
2. While constantly whisking the mixture, bring to the boil, then lower the heat and cook for 1 minute more.
3. Once the mixture has thickened, remove from the heat and add the orange blossom water.
4. Pour the mixture into the small flan moulds.
5. Set aside, in the refrigerator, for about 3 hours.
Method for the "Syrup":
6. Very briefly boil the water and add the hibiscus flowers.
7. Remove from the heat and let infuse for about 30 minutes.
8. Mix together the hibiscus water, sugar and rose water, then bring to the boil and remove from the heat once the sugar has been entirely dissolved.
9. Serve imediately with the flans or let cool and put in the refrigerator in order to serve cold over the flans.

If you don't want to use a natural coloring like hibiscus flowers, just use the same quantity water and add red food coloring.

Idées de présentation:
Unmold the flans, drizzle the cold or warm syrup over them and sprinkle with the chopped pistacchios.
Serve with either tea, Turkish/Greek coffee or Arabic coffee.


~ Mouhalabieh ou Flans Libanais Au Lait ~
Recette par Bigmousse de "Le Palais Des Délices" (France) et adaptée épar Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums.

Pour environ 8 petits flans.

Ingrédients pour les "Flans":
4 Mesures de lait
1/2 Mesure de Maizena (fleur de maïs)
3/4 Mesure de Sucre semoule/cristallisé
1 CS d'Eau d'eau de fleurs d'oranger
1 Poignée de pistaches grillées et concassées
Ingrédients pour le "Sirop":
4 CS d'Eau
2 Boutons de fleur d'hibiscus
2 CS d'Eau de rose
8 CS de Sucre semoule/cristallisé

Méthode pour les "Flans":
1. Dans une casserole mettre le lait avec le sucre et la fleur de maïs, fouettez pour bien diluer le tout et obtenir un mélange homogène, puis porter sur le feu en remuant avec une cuillère en bois sans arrêt pour que les grumeaux ne se forment pas.
2. Lorsque le mélange s'épaissit retirer du feu, ajouter l'eau de fleurs d'oranger et répartir dans des ramequins de service.
3. Mettre au frais pendant au moins 3 heures.
Méthode pour le "Sirop":
4. Chauffer l'eau et ajouter les fleurs d'hibiscus.
5. Eteindre le feu et laisser infuser pendant 30 minutes.
6. Mélanger l'infusion, le sucre et l'eau de rose, puis faire bouillir légèrement le tout quelques instants jusqu'à ce que le sucre soit dissous.
7. Servir immédiatement sur les flans ou mettre au frigo afin d'utiliser ce sirop froid.

Si vous ne voulez pas utiliser un colorant naturel comme l'hibiscus, alors utilisez la même quantité d'eau mais ajoutez un colorant rouge à votre sirop.

Idées de présentation:
Au moment de servir, enrober les flans avec du sirop tiède ou froid et décorer avec les pistaches concassées.
Servir avec du thé ou un café turque/grecque ou arabe.


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